Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Punishment Ideas

Since there isn't much to post about these days, im going to use the same idea as Wickedfrost (http://www.endlessreport.blogspot.com/ <- the URL i still use). And im going to post my solutions and ideas of punishments for the scum of EO.

Spammers/ Dcers:

Solotion: EO v.28b, with a patch to limit how many dupicuits of letters you can have in a name, you (ie. you cannot use the same letter more than 3 times). Along with this, put a block on the SHIFT key, so you cant HOLD IT DOWN AND TYPE REPETED CAPITAL LETTERS in eo, You can only type 1 letter capital for every time the shift is pressed; this will also slowdown/stop spammed '@'s.

Punishment: The punishment for these people, these people are abusing a bug in EO to not gain anything but the satisfaction of being a inconvience and annoyance ont he public of EO; I admin, sometimes they get paid, but most do not. So i feel the punishment should be MORE sever on them for wanting to be a pain in the ass; so i feel an Account Ban, IP Ban, HD Ban for 1 month would be good (the ban also for the forum).


Solotion: In the v.28b patch; make door gaurds, that will DC and autoban you for 15-20minutes everytime you passthough and it regesters you going at going faster than normal, and faster then lag would normaly make you go (ie: how many packages you are sending to the server ((how speeding works is the manipulation of packages, sending more then the normal person, so you can do things quicker)) and it will regesert it to be out of normal limits, and autokick the person). This will definately slow down speeders a littlebit, but not stop them. So along with this, more impluments of this need to be preformed; (ie: the server reading the packages that are being sent when holding the ctrl key ((attacking))) And will once again, kick and autoban for 15-20minutes. This shold stop most speeders in attacking. With repeted abuse of these, the server should regester itself how many times the person has DCed by this, and if it is more than 3 in a 24 hour span, Auto-kick for 1hour, then spawn in a wall in the maze/ orc fortress cave.

Punishment: For known speeders; insted of letting the server catching them and the fun being taken out of it, a new jails should be built away from EO, on a seperate map beyond a lvl 100 door in the admin room, that has a 50 hour time limit in it. (ie: the player has to be logged a total of 50 hours for the jail to autorelease them) So the person could be out in as little has 2 days and 2 hours, if they have the chunk of their life to waste. And in this jail; No trading, No Party, No Guild Chat, No Global chat. Along with being muted, so you cannot talk at all (Pms or otherwise).

Yes, this is a sever punishment, but they diserve it.


Solution: Not really the worst thing you can do, but still kind of annoying. A good solotion (v.28bpatch again), is the sever to moniter cut time (the time it takes to move into someone), and if someone is doing this faster then it should be happening, the server should auto-dc them/teleport them to their "home spawn". A Slight annoyance, to a slight bother apon EO.

Punishment: See above.

Just some ideas.


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