Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bored today..

Well, as we all probably know by now, a couple months ago there was someone impersinating Wicky's blog. It failed miserably. (http://www.endlessreport2.blogspot.com/) Well, today i was bored, and got to thinking.. "Is the name Wickedflare even taken in eo?.." I tried.. and sure enough, it wasnt. So now i own the character Wickedflare. And i am fully ready to hand it over to Wickedfrost when he asks for it, since i know he would want it somewhere so no one could use it.

Just saying, because.. people got so worked up over it.. was Wickedflare even a player? Well, i mean yeah, he was obviously a player, but was there ever a Character named it?..

edit: I made a new account for Wickedflare, along with 2 other names simular to it (Wickedgust and Wickedjolt). So these 3 names belong to me, and will, until Wicky requests them from me.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Well, once again, i decided to further improve my blog by making a quest section for all those who need it.

Ill use a star system to rank how hard it is.
* Easy
** Easy with some small challenge
*** Moderate
**** Dificult
***** Insane

Non-Repetable Quests:

Ancient Wraith Quest: *****

Reward: 10,000 EXP + Ancient Wraith Key (Gain entry into ancient wraith area)(Lore)

Back Story: The Ancient Wraith sits at the bottem of Haunted House, seeking those worthy to enter the final floor.

1. Visit the Ancient Wraith at the bottem of the haunted house (contrary to beleif, the haunted house goes down , not up) And talk to him.
2. Kill Reaper
3. Talk to Ancient Wraith again (get use to this).
4. Kill Anundo Leader
5. Talk to Ancient Wraith again..
6. Kill Octopus
7. Talk to Ancient Wraith again...
8. Kill Apozen
9. Talk to Ancient Wraith again....
10. Gather 100 piggys (Recomend going to the noobie area for them)
Now, to save Time do not go back to Ancient Wraith Yet! (Unless you cannot hold more than 100 items)
11. Gather 100 Snake Teeth (Noobie area again, along with Anundo)
12. Now if you did what i said, go back to the Ancient Wraith and give him both the 100 piggys, then 100 snake teeth
13. Now you need to get Tenbas Bags (Fairly easy to get, just train at Bales, and you'll get all the exp you could use for a long time and your 100 bags.)
14. Return to Ancient Wraith and give him the 100 bags.
15. Now gather both 100 Wurm heads and 100 Imp stings. The 2 hardest items to get, so i recomend going to these 2 areas back and forth for a while so you dont get bored.

Note: I recomend to gather each item at the same time periodicly to not get bored with gathering the items, and if you have friends who are willing to help, have them get an item that you are not currently working on.

16. Head back to the Ancient Wraith and give him both the 100 Wurm Heads and 100 Imp Stings.
17. Now you need to kill 500 people in the Player Kill (PK) Areas.
Or. You could just use 500 small potions and it will act the same way (bug).
18. Go back to the Ancient Wraith, claim you reward.

The Maze: ****

Reward: 3500 EXP

Back Story: The Maze Master has been busy building the hardest maze possible, and is accepting all challengers to it!

The Maze is without a doubt, the 2nd hardest quest in EO, and the hardest quest for some people.

1. Talk to the Maze Master in the Imperial Castle.

To Complete this quest go to my Map Section for the Maze map/guide.

Truth Quest: ****

Reward: 5500 EXP or Lens of Truth

Back Story: Serf and Gullio while working on some exparments to destory all evil were attached by Apozen. Serf escaped.. but lost Gullio, and needs help to find him...

1. Go to the Swamp, talk to Serf. (He is located down a flight of stairs almost in the middle of the map nearly hidden by a tree)
2. Kill 25 Swamp Monsters
3. Talk to Serf - Learn some back story and Gullio
4. Find Gullio - Located in the Skeleton Dungeon, wandering around. Turn on your map to help find him, he looks like an Undeath because of a curse.
5. Return to Serf - He needs to make a cure to cure Gullio
6. Gain 10 Herbs - Buy them at the Aeven Grocer.
7. Insted of going back to Serf, collect 10 Mushrooms (Get them right before Centaur Village)
8. Next on the list is to collect 14 blob slimes. (Noobie area is the fastest way to get them)
9. 5 Gnome dolls. (Go to Dizzy Desert, there are bound to be plenty laying around)
10. Finally return to Serf and give him all the items at once. Saving time of walking back and forth to him.
11. Serf tells you to talk to Ayla- she is located at the Witch. - Now, there is a little bug right here, being a Quest NPC herself, Ayla, if you didnt finish her quest, you will need to FINISH it to be able to talk to her about this quest (See repetable quests). And sometimes need to do the entire quest. Annoying yes, but it is easy.
12. Anyway; she sends you to the Illusion Master: Hitaru's shop. - Located in Estaq in the building next to the inn on the 2nd floor. Step in front of the book, and head back to Ayla.
13. Ayla - Tells you that the information in the book wasnt quite good enough, and needs a little more, so you need to get some good info from the source.. Apozen.
14. Head to apozen's layer in hell, located in the church behind the Skeleton Dungeon (Check the map section for the map of hell) Stand in front of his book, and head back to Ayla.
15. Talk to Ayla, she will tell you that you have everything you need to cure Gullio. And that you need to go scavenge up 5 Anceint Scrolls for the trip
16. Get the 5 scrolls and return to Ayla
17. Give Ayla 4 of the scrolls, and use the 5th and head to Ancient City.
18. Go the the Sacred Grounds. - It is located above the RIGHT HAND map of Ancient City (use the -> arrow key from the center of the city)
19. Click Ayla to begin the ritual - The map will begin to shake very violently, you can click each person to read what they have to say, and click Ayla to end the ritual. You will be teleported to Serf's Den.
20. Talk to Serf to claim your reward. But you have a choice:
a. 5500 EXP
b. Lens of Truth
- Requires you to also give Serf 10 orbs of light and knob staff.
Note: Take the exp; if you have a knob staff or get one, you can sell it for over double the price of a lens and just buy one.

Pjedro's Son: ***

Reward: 4,000 EXP

Back Story: Pjedro's son has gone missing while visiting his aunt and is in desprate need of help.

1. Talk to Pjedro- In his house in Malone Outlet next to the Inn.
2. Talk to Pjedro's Wife; Merriad- Walking around Malone Outlet
3. Talk to Pjedro again- He will ask you to help find his son.
4. Talk to Pjedro's Sister- She is in Anundo walking around.
5. Talk to the Gaurd outside of Death Cave- (Once again, if you are in the middle of his quest, you need to finish it first before you can continue)
6. Talk to the Gaurd Captain- Located in the large arena walking around.
7. Return to talk to the Gaurd outside Death Cave
8. You find out that Pjedro's son is in the Haunted House. So go to the 4th floor of it and stand infront of the book on the podium, and receive Scroll of Truth
9. After your hopes being destoryed of Pjedro's son NOT being at the Haunted House, do the next best thing, and take the Scroll of Truth to Ayla.
10. She will then read the scroll and teleport you to The Woods of Dispair.
11. These woods are a little bit of a maze, so if you would like to figure it out on your own then go away, if you would like to cheat, highlight the following test: Acording to keyboard arrows go: Right, Down, Down, Right, Right, Right, Down, Left) To arive at the Bird Fortress.
Note: While your here, please take part in the further destruction of the Barbain and Birdman races, and the chest spawns a key.
12: Talk to Pjedro's son and you will be warped to Pjedro's house. (Note: this is not the same exact map as the one you were in before, no one can enter the map you are on unless they are at the same part of the quest so enjoy the privacy) Talk to Pjedro on this map to receive your reward.

Pirate Quest: ****

Reward: 5,000 EXP or 4,000 EXP+ 1,200 exp or Aztec Crown (Lore, can't wear)

Backstory: A pirate captian looking for adventure need's a crew, well, need's a LEAD to find his adventure...

Pre-note: Bring potions, you WILL need them (magic won't be as usefull as it)
1. Talk to the Old Pirate at Aeven Port- He is standing on the south east ship. He will ask if you are a pirate, answer "yeah, I'm a pirate"
2. The Old Pirate needs 20 Fairy Soda, so walk out to the port, collect any fairy sodas on the ground then head to Aeven Pub and check the chests, buy the rest if needed. Don't worry about extra's cause the old pirate will take all the ones you have 20+
3. The old pirate gives you the "Old Treasure Map"(keep this with you at all times), and since you are a pirate, let's act like one.
4. Talk to the pirate captain on the ship next to the one where the Old Pirate is located.
5. Tell the pirate captian about your map, then say you stole it from a king (Cause you ROCK!) and he will then be so impressed and ask you to join him to the map's location. Say Yes (duh)
6. When aboard the ship talk to the pirate captain, and then the ship comes under attack
7. Begin to fight the Imperial Gaurds, you need to kill 50 of them. Luckly they arent hard, only give 6 EXP each, so it isnt really worth it to stay and train.
8. After you kill your 50, talk to the Pirate Captain again and he will take you to Vulture Island (Vult-r Island, get it?)
9. Enter the first pyramid.

Note: There are 2 traps in this pyramid: Visible spikes, and Sprunk Spikes. Both will deal damage acording to how much HP you have (About 2 heart's damage). To avoid the springing spikes, walk on them while they are up and you avoid damage

Note2: There is 1 curse in this pyramid: It drains 1 heart from you every 30 seconds about. DON'T WORRY SO MUCH ABOUT THIS, this curse will NOT kill you, you will go down to 1hp, then each curse hit will miss after it. But be carefull for the traps and monsters if you do get this low.

10. From the entrence you need to find the archaeologist, Dr. Gerstanisk. To find him follow these directions (Going by your keyboard arrow keys) Starting at the Entrence go: Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right. Talk to him, liten to him, he tells you about a book. So guess what ya need to find?
11. Back Track to the entrence then follow these directions: Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left. This is a big room, and the book is located in the bottem left corner of the map, step on it to get it. Beware of the Giant Worm, it gives 300exp if you want to kill it, but it attakcs fast, and the Naga's hitting you dont do ya any favors either.
12. Anyway, go back to the Archaeologist. On the way, take note of where the raisted platform is, you'll need to go to it soon.
13. Talk to him, he will thank you. Then talk to him and show him your Old Map you got the from the old pirate.
14. Return to that room witht he raised platform, which is the Alter. Stand in the little indent.. and... thats it.
15. Head back to the Archaeologist.
16. Talk to him to find out that the gate to the 2nd Pyramid. So leave this one.
17. Outside: Take time to sit and heal if you need it. The 2nd Pyramid is located right behind the first one.
18. Inside this Pyramid, you will notice it is not cursed. So you can either wander it for a long time to find the trease in the temple, or just highlight the following for the instuctions: From the Entrance, you go Left, Up, Up, Down.
19. Open the chest and receive the Aztec Crown (You cannot wear it, and it is lore)
20. The quest isnt over yet, you now have 3 choices.
a. Keep the Crown
b. Give it to the Archaeologist to receive 5,000 EXP
c. Give it to the Pirate Captain to receive 4,000 EXP and 1,200 gold.

Aren't you glad i told you to get potions?

Monkey Island Quest: ***

Reward: Pirate Hat

Backround: A Young and upcoming pirate has set sail and found an uncharted island, and want's to bring someone along to explore..

1. You talk to the Young Pirate at Aeven Port. He tells you about the island, but tell him: "I dont Beleive you"
2. Talk to the Pirate Captain (Same one as the Pirate Quest)
3. The Pirate Captain has you kill 3 Drunken Pirates, so good luck, the campers there are good at getting most the kills.
4. Return to the Pirate Captain again and he will give you a choice of your next test. The Octo, or Atlantis. I chose the Octo because i thought it would be easier (I was a high lvl at the time so it was easier for me, so if your feeling lucky do this option its fast if your good)

4a. Octo: Located in the sewers in of the ant area near Marble (Sewers is a lvl 4 dungeon)

4b. Atlantis: Located in Death Cave. Walk in as if you are walking to the reaper, turn at the first 4-way intersection and go Left, walk past the water and around the corner, and go though the door. This is a large map with a very simple walking route, which is oddly complicated to explain. It goes in a circular paturn that has maybe 2 loops and the last loop has a sharp edge turn that will lead the door to.. Atlantis! Then you need to go to the southmost house which is down and to the right. Once inside there head to the northern part which is up and to the left of the house and walk down the stairs. There is a book just south of there, stand in front of it to collect it.

Note1: If you choose this option, collect 10 fish while here. Because you will need them later and it saves you a trip.

Note2: Atlantis is under water, and you cannot breath. So like the curse of the pyramids you will lose about 2 hearts every 30 or so seconds, but it will not kill you.

5. No matter which option you picked, return to the Pirate Captain when complete. He wants you to kill 30 ... rats. Annoying, but easy. - Best rat location is in the first couple floors of Aeven's Grocer
6. Return to the Pirate Captain who will return you to the Young Pirate.
7. Talk to the Young Pirate who will give you a quiz.
Answers: Jolly Rodgers. Double Share. Always Open.
8. You are off to Monkey Island. You can stay and kill some monkeys if you want, is okay EXP, but nothing worth dwelling here for. Go to the hut in the North East corner of the island
9. The man inside wants 10 fish, so give him the 10 fish if you collected them. Or head to Atlantis to gather them.
10. Once you give him the fish, he will give you a riddle to find burried treasure on the island.

The Burried Treasure is the reward, so it is your choice to find it or not. The riddle isnt hard to figure out, but if you want to know the location of the spot on the island it is hidden refer to my map section, look at the world map, and look at monkey island. It is marked.

11. Once you have your Pirate Hat (Lore) Talk to the Young Pirate to leave the island.

Repetable Quests:

Ayla's Witch Quest: *

Reward: Random- 500 EXP, School Uniform, Burk. (Cloths are more likely if you have room to hold them)

Backstory: Ayla is an aprentice witch who is in need with a little help...

1. Talk to Alya in the Witch's Hut in Aeven.
2. She sends you to go kill 20 rats, I recomend at Aeven Grocer to do so.
3. Return to Ayla
4. She Resends you off to kill 20 sheep.
5. Return to Ayla
6. She send's you to get her a Teror Potion. Bought at the Illusion Master at estaq next to the Bank.
7. Return to Ayla to get your reward.

Skywonder Rescue: *

Reward: 500 EXP

Backstory: The war between the Wolfmen and the people of Sky Wonder are reaching critical stress levels...

1. Talk to Jessica- Sky Wonder House
2. Talk to the Wolfman Leader: Next to Wolfman Mountain. To get here, Go to Estaq, Cross the bridge to leave it and turn EAST, walk passed Birdman Mountain and go onto Wolfman Mountain, you will see the Wolfman Leader walking around in the fence next to it.
3. Collect 10 Bird Feathers from Birdman Mountain next to the Wolfman Mountain.
4. Return to Jessica and talk with her.
5. Kill 40 foxes
6. Return to Jessica to claim reward

PeriPeri Quest: **

Reward: 2,000 EXP

Backstory: The harvest this year is in great danger, angry moles keep attacking the land!

1. Talk to Periperi in her house easy of the goat farm
2. Kill 50 Moles- 1exp each, so a total of 5o exp for killing them all..
3. Talk to Periperi to claim reward

A Gaurd's Life: *

Reward: 250 EXP + 400 gold

Backstory: A Gaurd posted in the middle of no where is getting very annoyed by all the spiders.. and just wants them gone.

1. Talk to the Gaurd by the entrence of Death Cave.
2. Kill 20 Spiders for him
3. Talk to him again and tell him of you deed.
4. Collect 10 Spider legs for him to PROVE you killed them.
5. Go talk to the Gaurd's Captain in at the Arena to claim your reward.

Factory Panic: **

Reward: 340 EXP

Backstory: The Factory is in great trouble, the system generator needs to be shut down.. for good.


1. Talk to Co-Worker- Factory, Dizzy Desert
2. Top Right Generator
3. Bottem Left Generator
4. Bottem Right Generator
5. Top Left Generator
6. Talk to the Co-Worker
7. Go into the cage on the top of the map (Which is now open), and go down the stairs.
8. Step on the pad to disable the generator
9. Talk to the Co-Worker to Claim your reward.

Susan's Quest: ***

Reward: 2,500 EXP (and a hug!)

Backstory: Susan, a priestess is in desprate need of help, her beloved temple is incased in vines and being under constant attack of Tenbas..

1. Talk to Susan

2. Kill 60 Tenbas
3. Talk to Susan to claim reward


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well, feeling a little better than yesterday i decided to make a listing of each class in EO.

Note: Constitution also raises HP for every 1 CON you have, it increases your health points


Class Bonus: +2 STR

STR: Every 3 stat points equals + 1-1 damage

AGI: Every 3 stat Points equals +1 accuracy
____Every 5 stat Points equals +1 dodge

CON: Every 4 stat Points equals +1 defence


Class Bonus: +2 AGI. Use of Bows, Crossbows, Arrows.

STR: Every 6 stat Points equals + 1-1 damage

AGI: Every 4 stat Points equals + 1 accuracy
____Every 5 stat Points equals +1 dodge

CON: Every 5 stat Points equals +1 defence


Classs Bonus: +2 AGI

STR: Every 5 stat Points equals +1-1 damage

AGI: Every 3 stat Points equals +1 accuracy +1 Dodge

CON: Every 4 stat Points equals +1 defence


Class bonus: +2 WIS

INT: Every 3 stat Points equals +1-1 damage

WIS: Every 3 stat Points equals +1 accuracy

AGI: Every 4 stat Points equals +1 dodge

CON: Every 5 stat Points equals +1 defence

Small Fire:
Requirments: 4 STR, 2 INT, 2 WIS
Lvl: 2+
Location: Skill Master, Anundo
Price: 500g

Small Thunder:
Requirments: 4 INT, 2 WIS
Lvl: 2+
Location: Skill Master, Anundo
Price: 500g

Fire Ball:
Requirments: 5 STR, 4 INT, 4 WIS, Small Fire
Lvl: 5
Location: Padu, Swamp
Price: 0

Energy Ball:
Requirments: 4 STR, 10 INT, 4 WIS
Lvl: 15
Location: Padu, Swamp
Price: 0

Requirments: 5 STR, 15 INT, 6 WIS
Lvl: 20
Location: Padu, Swamp
Price: 0


Class bonus: +2 INT

INT: Every 3 stat Points equals +1-1 damage

WIS: Every 3 stat Points equals +1 accuracy

AGI: Every 4 stat Points equals +1 dodge

CON: Every 5 stat Points equals +1 defence

Heal Self:
Requirments: 1 INT, 1 WIS
Lvl: 1
Location: Skill Master, Aeven
Price: 100g

Small Heal:
Requirments: 3 INT, 4 WIS, Heal Self
Lvl: 3
Location: Skill Master, Aeven
Price: 200g

Medium Heal:
Requirments: 8 INT, 10 WIS, Small Heal
Lvl: 6
Location: Skill Master, Aeven
Price: 1,000g

Large Heal:
Requriments: 12 INT, 16 WIS, Medium Heal
Lvl: 10
Location: Skill Master, Anundo
Price: 3,000g

Group Heal:
Requirments: 4 INT, 12 WIS
Lvl: 5
Location: Skill Master, Anundo
Price: 2,000g

Magic Shield:
Requirments: 1 STR, 1 INT, 1 WIS, 1 AGI, 1 CON, 1 CHA, Heal Self
Lvl: 8
Location: Padu, Swamp
Price: 0

Super Class:

Class Benifit: Ability to use ranged weapons, healing magic, dark magic, and have the strength of a warrior.

Note: Not recomended for lvls under 10.

This is a class in which most of EO uses to have all the benifits of each class. It is done with the use of the items; Bazar Staff, Necro Necolace, Necro Belt, Dark Endur(a).
The key is to not use wipe your stats and use these items to boost your "mage" stats. So become a magican, use these items to get Small Thunder and Small Fire. Then become priest, get Heal self and Small heal. Then become an archer, equip a bow/ crossbow along with arrows. Then become a warrior and put all your stat points onto your STR.



Feeling... meh

I'm currently feeling under the weather today, and by the consistancy of it, and sleep not helping. I wont really post anything for a few days, my stomach hurts just too much. ill post when im back..



Saturday, February 16, 2008

Link's Reply

I made a side blog to co-exist with Link's Word, and it is called Link's Reply. It will not be a full action blog like this one, it is ment to reply (I know, so original) to other blog's posts. But first i would like to request the permission of other blog's to post into that one for me to reply my point of view on its subject matter. I put more details what is is about on the other blog itself.

You can find it under "My EO Specialties" on the side bar.


Well i was bored..

With nothing really of intrest going on in EO, me tireing of the Ancient Wraith quest, i got bored and opened photoshop. and well, i ended up making a "new" banner for The Endless Report for wicky, because i was looking at his.. and it is kinda.. old and.. well... not easy on the eyes?... so i made a new one, if he uses it, by all means, he can, i dont care if he does or not.
Here it is:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Another Valentine 's day alone, woohoo. :) Anyhoo, for this holiday (if it can honestly be called that), i'd think it would be nice if people dressed up, so.. i surgest EO's players try to dress up for today, in the best kind of Valentine's Day Outfits you can!, it can consit of alot of things, and hell, if you give me a screenshot of your outfit, I'll post them in this messege, and the one i feel is the best, might get a lil prize for the best outfit. ;D

To Submit an entry:

Email too: linkfan_of_eo@yahoo.com
Pm me In game: Linkfan
Add me to MSN: Linkfan_of_eo@yahoo.com
Add me to YIM: Linkfan_of_eo
PM me in the forums with your entry: Linkfan

Please include: Your ingame name, the name of your outfit (Title it something), and the screenshot. (Any clear edits will not be accepted)

I do NOT download anything, for submitions please upload to www.tinypic.com and then give me the IMG url for it.

Submition cut off is at 9PM (EST) on Thursday, Febuary 14th, 2008.

Note: A punch of submitions must be sent in for me to really consider a prize, or there is no real fun in the matter.

Looks like i only had 1 entry. =\ So i guess no prizes will be handed out.
Name: xxcrowxx
Outfit name: V-Day Vixen


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I just thought of..

The solotion most of EO wants. People to stop going around going "u" to people. It is so simple. In an update, put in a program where you cannot send 1 lettered messeges, (i.e: you cant just say "u" you have to say more), and along with this idea, and in the same filter, block the use of letters used ecsesivly. (I.e: no UUUUUUUUUU, or @@@@@, or WWWW s anywhere) incedently, this would also stop spamming, and DCing.

With such a simple idea, a couple issues in EO are taken care of, and EO stress level drops.

Just my thought.


Eo Forums (2)

The EO forums are back online if you haven't noticed.

Now please go enjoy the spammed forums. If you managed to find a worth-while post, congrats, a decent one is hard to come by.


Also, i am buying a baru ( for a reasonable price), PM me ingame or email me, or comment if you would sell me one (again, for a decent price)

Monday, February 11, 2008


Well, I'm back after my couple day personal holiday from the computer. I went to see Juno with a friend, then we hung out, went to wal-mart, bought 2 steel rulars and had a sword fight behind Giant. Yes, I know its imature, but isnt it just fun to do imature things sometimes? Anyway, besides that. The other nights after i got off work, we talked on the phone until we passed out. Anyway, i found that to be a decent use of a couple days.

Anyway; back onto EO matters. I have nothing to really report, I haven't logged in yet. All i have to really report is about Avamay getting scammed out of $550 dollars via paypal, which i read on Wicky's blog. I will state my opinion on this matter; I am not glad she lost this money, and that she was scammed, but then again, it was her fault, she knows the risks when selling cyber goods for real money, its impossible to disprove that she was scammed (or at least next to impossible). So i dont see any way to really solve this, but to take the loss and move on. No use crying over spilled milk, you just get another glass.

Aside from this, the Endless online forums are down, and have been for days apprently.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Re: February 5, 2008:Password Recovery

As stated on the EO Report, i decided to public post my reply on my blog. :)

Original Post (http://www.endlessreport.blogspot.com/):

You guys know that I'm against bringing back password recovery right?I mean, I'm a big fan of Nezlo and all but I just don't agree for a number of reasons.

1. If you've got a level 30 account and you've forgotten your password you're an idiot. How many times would you have to enter it on the way to level 30? I'm not even level 20 and I've entered mine thousands of times. If you've got a level 10 then it doesn't really matter. You can get it back in a couple of weeks. Write the damned thing down if your brain cells are destroyed by pot.

2. If you've lost your account because you've been scammed/"hacked" then you don't deserve to get your password back. Sorry. Everyone who is hacked, keylogged, or scammed deserves to lose their account. The official rule of Endless-Online regarding hacked/scammed accounts is that IT'S YOUR FAULT. You should know better. And if you don't know better -- well now you do.

3. Password recovery has a huge security issue connected to it that allowed certain players to perform a SQL Injection and actually hack accounts. That's why it was brought down in the first place. If Vult-R brings it back then everyone is at risk -- no thanks.

4. Password recovery also allows account scammers to sell their accounts and reclaim them later on. Selling them again and again. Once again -- no thanks.There are NO legitimate reasons to bring back password recovery. If you are too stupid to write your password down, keep your computer safe, or guard your personal information then you don't deserve your account back.

Password recovery is a bad idea. It's always been a bad idea. Don't bring it back.



Well, my reply is this:

I Agree to most of the points thats Wicky made, but I do NOT feel it is always the player's fault that they have lost thier account.

Case and point:

Linkfan was hacked and deleted in v.22. I did not download anything relating to EO, i didnt even go to any websites relating to EO (besides the EO main page); hell i didnt even go in the forums much if at all. Yet, i was still hacked and deleted.

But; That was over a year ago, i managed to get into contact with Vult though Aengie, and we had a meeting, and remade Linkfan on my new account (My current one), with 40k gold, my title, and most of my exp (about 50k less exp, to even it off at 100k) I was off the top 100, but i had Linkfan back.

But like i said, this was a long time ago, and with EO in the trashhole it has been for the passed few versions, Vult and the other Admins do not have the time of day to help players like this (I priorly knew vult, so he knew i wasnt really lying)

So with this; comes my solotion. Keep password recovery gone, it poses too many risks for EO to help the few people who lost account is beyond their control, or accidently lost: (ie. my friend recently lost her account durring changing her password, she typoed twice and has no clue what it is now) And of course, Avamay's account which was lost for unknown reasons, like mine was.

Okay, but for those who DO lose their account, there should be a solotion, possibley a better way to get in touch with an admin, like I had. But we need to wait for EO to calm down cheating wise for this to happen; Or more HGMs to be instated, along with more GMs and LGs, this has been an issue for a long time, the password recorvery is just another way it is hurting EO.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Punishment Ideas

Since there isn't much to post about these days, im going to use the same idea as Wickedfrost (http://www.endlessreport.blogspot.com/ <- the URL i still use). And im going to post my solutions and ideas of punishments for the scum of EO.

Spammers/ Dcers:

Solotion: EO v.28b, with a patch to limit how many dupicuits of letters you can have in a name, you (ie. you cannot use the same letter more than 3 times). Along with this, put a block on the SHIFT key, so you cant HOLD IT DOWN AND TYPE REPETED CAPITAL LETTERS in eo, You can only type 1 letter capital for every time the shift is pressed; this will also slowdown/stop spammed '@'s.

Punishment: The punishment for these people, these people are abusing a bug in EO to not gain anything but the satisfaction of being a inconvience and annoyance ont he public of EO; I admin, sometimes they get paid, but most do not. So i feel the punishment should be MORE sever on them for wanting to be a pain in the ass; so i feel an Account Ban, IP Ban, HD Ban for 1 month would be good (the ban also for the forum).


Solotion: In the v.28b patch; make door gaurds, that will DC and autoban you for 15-20minutes everytime you passthough and it regesters you going at going faster than normal, and faster then lag would normaly make you go (ie: how many packages you are sending to the server ((how speeding works is the manipulation of packages, sending more then the normal person, so you can do things quicker)) and it will regesert it to be out of normal limits, and autokick the person). This will definately slow down speeders a littlebit, but not stop them. So along with this, more impluments of this need to be preformed; (ie: the server reading the packages that are being sent when holding the ctrl key ((attacking))) And will once again, kick and autoban for 15-20minutes. This shold stop most speeders in attacking. With repeted abuse of these, the server should regester itself how many times the person has DCed by this, and if it is more than 3 in a 24 hour span, Auto-kick for 1hour, then spawn in a wall in the maze/ orc fortress cave.

Punishment: For known speeders; insted of letting the server catching them and the fun being taken out of it, a new jails should be built away from EO, on a seperate map beyond a lvl 100 door in the admin room, that has a 50 hour time limit in it. (ie: the player has to be logged a total of 50 hours for the jail to autorelease them) So the person could be out in as little has 2 days and 2 hours, if they have the chunk of their life to waste. And in this jail; No trading, No Party, No Guild Chat, No Global chat. Along with being muted, so you cannot talk at all (Pms or otherwise).

Yes, this is a sever punishment, but they diserve it.


Solution: Not really the worst thing you can do, but still kind of annoying. A good solotion (v.28bpatch again), is the sever to moniter cut time (the time it takes to move into someone), and if someone is doing this faster then it should be happening, the server should auto-dc them/teleport them to their "home spawn". A Slight annoyance, to a slight bother apon EO.

Punishment: See above.

Just some ideas.


Monday, February 4, 2008

EO Forums

Well, thoughout browsing the forums, I notice, there are some really dumb people who post there for no real reason at all (Yes, i have done this). But some people... well, they make it.. their job just to be a moron on the forums, while sometimes they act totaly diffrent in EO, or vis versa. Why do these people act this way? I do not know. Just some thoughts since i havent posted in a while.

Any who;

I have updated the Map in the section, and included Dhex's hell map, and EO secrets in maps/ areas. And i also updated my pixel art section.

And im still hireing for Reporters on MAIN AND TEST. Im also incouraging people to give me ideas i can use to help make this blog better (i.e: New sections, guilds, players, blacklists, items etc.) i will not take the effort to make sections until they are requested.
