Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Monday, January 21, 2008


With no real news to report (Aside from Medusa almost out of her #1 spot), i found myself thinking of the old days of EO. Before levels, HP, Stats, and everything. And it makes me think, What direction is EO going in? In the old days, before any of this, and maybe as few ago as v.24 or v.25. When there were really indivuduals between people, because it didnt matter WHAT you wore. Now almost everyone wears the same things, the NEW things that come out, or just new items, to look "cool". When i strongly feel, the best pixeled armor in the game is Dragon Armor, just because of the great detail it has. I see some people who dont conform to the "stat whore" outfits, and i condone them for that feat. I will admit that i wear Oron sometimes for its stats, but that is only when i go to places where i really need it. Most of the time you'll see me in a Royal Suit or something, cause i LIKE the outfit. Why dont people wear what they like, insted they wear what makes them strong. and i think thats a shame. I miss the old days when people tried to be individuals. Oh well; days past i guess.



Anonymous said...

yhe yhe I totally agree with that, thats why i still groove in my preist robes, mystic hat with aceintboots and my fav staff cresnt :p and of course there are other favs of myn, but u dnt know me well eenuf to know it... lol

Linkfan said...

Gate, did you spell like that on porpose?

Anonymous said...

your mother

Linkfan said...

I guess you really spell that bad then XD wow, explains "Icy doungen" xDD

Anonymous said...

kris does spell horribly..

Linkfan said...

Still, i normaly see him spell better than that though.