Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Terror? Rexor? Vult? New admins?

As per ussual, I'm one of the last to find out due to me not paying attention to MSN enough, or the sheer fact of Rexor not replying to me on MSN on friday.

(Breif Summery of Avamay's blog) Vult is no longer employed IRL, so will focus on EO more, so alot of problems in EO right now (speeding, dcing, etc) will be fixed, and is currently considering new Admins for EO, and clearing some old inactive ones (Sakura, Laine: Both have not logged in for over 20 weeks) So she stated, if new admins are chosen, they will not be "kids", and will be chosen by Vult and Aengie, and probably a Team descision for all the admins; So i think the age of the players(?) will be ages 15-16+, i think this would be the started age, because Most teens that age are normaly on, dont have jobs, and because Laine was 15 when she was hired, along with Chaos being 16.

Now, i said "players(?)" because, it Sakurakur and Mizzy were not players of Endless Online when chosen, Vult-R posted an add on devient Art for artists, which he might do again. Sakurakur was chosen, then Mizzy found out on dA and asked vult to join too, and he let her; which is why Sakura and Mizzy never got along (Sakurakur told me this).

Now, who will it be? Probably someone a little older (15+) and has been around for a while; or like i said, outsorced from another website. I for one, dont know, but i can come up with a list of some people who I think would probably do a good job at it:

Nezlo: Always cool headed, and helpfull
Wickedfrost: Not as a full admin, but some powers. He does have some issues with cheaters that i would call.. questionable.
Avamay: Always kind to players, helpfull when she can, and knows EO well.
Gate: Quite possibly the oldest person on EO that i know, knows EO well, helpfull to people, and good understanding of the game.
Eeer: Knows EO very well, very logcial, and is well liked and known by most of EO.

That is nearly all i could think of at this moment, feel free to comment any other ideas to this post. :)

Oh, and like Nezlo i didnt add my own name to the list because im sure i would not be picked, and i know people would complain of me putting my own name on the list, etc etc. So, unless i get recomended by a comment, i wont put my name up.

As a sidenote: As of vult no longer employed, I wonder what other reprocussions will happen to EO; no job = no money to pay for the server.


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