Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Movies to see

Well; i just got home from a movie date with my friend Crystal; since Amanda cancled cause she was grounded and we went to see.. Cloverfield, and i have to say, it is and WAS worth the 9 dollars to get in, i mean it was just a great movie. I recomend you see this movie IN THEATERS; on DVD it will suck, you need the big screen to really love it.

On Friday; alone i went to see.. Meet the Spartans; it was funny but very dumb. If you have the money to spare; go see it, but if not, just buy it used on DVD, or rent it ondemand on your cable box/ netflix/ blockbuster whatever.

Got your own movie review? Tell me and ill post it up.


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