Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Hand at Pixel Work

Welcome to my pixel art section. Take in mind, i dont normaly just randomly pixel things (unless im bored and inspired) i TAKE REQUESTS of items people want, or i want, and i pixel them. :)


Ancient Katana:

Dark Knight Armor:

Dragon God Armor:

Death Pentalty (I was bored):

Mystic Armor:

Female Hair 1:

Razor Wind:

Queen's Robes or Blessed Robes:

Hero's Robes:

Necro Staff:

Star Staff:

Long Bow:

Fairy Bow:


Anonymous said...

dis is kewl.

Ngget said...

I like the longbow x3

I think generally the darker colours are supposed to go on the outside thats why some look odd.

Anonymous said...

likin the dragon thing armor and the ancient katana. You should be vults new pixel artist so u can add some of this shit. xD