Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

EO down still

Well, the title of this article sums up what is going on in EO today, so I'll Give what little info i can.
The reason I do NOT think Vult-r has suffered another fine, is because he would shut down the EO forums, the EO website, and his own personal website (http://www.vult-r.com/) before he would let EO shut off, he would strech the exposable bandwidth. So this is why i think EO is down due to other issues (Maybe update: not v.29, but just glitches maybe spamming. Or Speeding and Spamming have caused EO to glitch and shut down until vult resets it, he said a few weeks ago that he was doing updates, and rebooted, maybe this is the same, and its a more signifigant update)

Another issue that would have accored, is a power outage at Layer tech in which case, Vult will get us up and running as soon as he can (which im sure he would anyway) My guess it is currently a combination of hardware/ software error caused by the small server updates a week or so ago that vult did, and he will figure out the issue shortly. The reason for me beleiving this is because if it was stricktly hardware, the test server would be affected as well, and it isnt.

Now, some advice to think over whilst you wait for EO to come back online:

Need gold?: Gold, the blood of EO, either you have more than you can use, or more likely have a great need for it. Now, let me specisfy, most people WANT gold, just to have, these are the people I won't really help, because they dont need it. But some of those do need gold for 1 reason for another, now i know weather you want it or need it, you'll use this way to make gold, so oh well. Fastest way i found to make gold, is if you see a monster, kill it, and take what it has to offer. If its useless, give it away to someone less fortunate (AKA: give a cava to a new player), just to spread a little love. But once you do this, you'll get things that people do want, or at least the witch would want. Don't get me wrong, some things are 100% useless right now (Monster flesh, Aqua things, Metal parts, Robot Chains (i wasnt refering to the weapon), flies, Twekus tenticals (Refering to the items droped in the lvl 4 doungen), ect) But doesnt make them not needed, you never know when someone might hold a ligit event that would require the gathering of one of these items, so its better safe than sorry that you didnt pick it up. I personally camp the bonespider so i can sell Dark Endura's for 40k about, and make some money, other things you can do is camp Tenbas and gather bags, and exp (Train and get money at once? Who woulda thunk it?) Those are just some tips. For lower levels, stick to trying to gather small items you can get and craft large items that people would buy (Royal potions, ice sword, ect).
This is a guide for the fastest way to make money, as far as items that i used for examples, their is no real signifigant profit to be made with them.

I want a Scav!: Do not buy a scav right now. Not unless someone is selling for 200-250k. It is basic economics, they will sell for whatever people are buying for: AKA: No one buy for 350-400k, and they wont sell for that high. Or of course gather the items, get a Ancient Wraith Key from the quest, and kill Ancient Wraiths. (About as much HP as a king, and does 20-99 damg rapidly) Oh, and they are invisible, so good luck with that. Your best bet is to wait for the buyers to get too fed of with waiting to sell for 400k, they will drop their price. little bit at a time. And Scav isnt all that great, it's looks are so-so, and its atk is only 2-2, so its a little better, but not worth the 390k increase from a normal bow. So thats a little advice, take it or leave it.

What do i do when EO is down?: Go on test.endless-online.com and play EO there if you are so addicted, just change your EOclient IP to test.endless-online.com or download a test client (Do not install to your Endless folder and erase your main server one, make another folder inside your endless folder, and install there) <-- This way, you have both servers on your computer, and dont need to do any of that switching hassle.

I'm walled!!!!: If you're walled, its for good reason, you'll get out when an admin feels like releasing you. You have been told not to speed, it is agains EO's ToS, so i have no sympathy for you. You'll be released, and lets hope you learned your lesson. Im sure many of people have told you not to speed, and you maybe (not everyone) laughed at them, and just speed off. Feel silly now? Just deserts as its called. The harder the punishment, the more than likely it will sink into your heads, so deal with it, serve your time, and learn your lesson, and dont spam global.

Spammers: If someone wil the name "WWWWWW" walks up to you, put them on ignore right away, dont wait for them to spam. And, if someone comes up to the area where you are, sits down, and does nothing, and you start DCing, put the person on ignore, and turn off your PMs. This should help, just be wary of global, it is safe sometimes, so dont give up on it entirely.

That is all the info i have for you today, as always I'm looking for Reporters, please contact me ingame, or email me at Linkfan_of_eo@yahoo.com with your report, or request to be a reporter. :)



Anonymous said...

floweries and springs can be sold to witches for over 50g.

Linkfan said...

Oh, okay, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Don't write about things u don't know. In atlantis i can make 10k in an hour with teawk tentacles, and you say they are worthless. Also, u say give cava staff to newbs, but you say chains are worthless (and chains are much better than cava staff). Monster flesh can't be sold, but that doesn't mean its useless (same thing with needles). You need Monster flesh for Robes of Sanctum, and needles for Elegant hat