Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rexor Hacked!

Yes, today at around 10:50 EST, someone logged into Rexor's account and simply said, "v.29 will not come out". Global, of course, freaked out thinking it was really Rexor, but several people who have him on MSN, such as myself, realize that it really wasn't Rexor. Soon after making this announcement, the hacked Rexor logged out, and the real Rexor logged onto MSN to confirm that it wasn't him in EO; he had been called on the telephone by Vegasfiniest to let him know he was hacked, and Rexor quickly replied, and signed into MSN, then EO to confirm that it wasn't him on EO, that it was a hacked, and that v.29 is indeed coming out.

Who the hacker is, is unknown; it could be another learning a new trick. Anyway, it WAS a hacker, and v.29 will come up eventually. Never trust even an admin if they come on and make unbelievable claims like this on EO- chances are its a hacker.


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