Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Vult's Redemption!

Yesterday, Vult happened to fix the duping, and the no-names were fixed also. There is, thus far, not a rollback, however, one can be expected within the next few weeks before v.29 is released.

The anti speed patch was removed a few days ago, due to causing server instability. Vult is currently fixing it up. It will probably be released on EO again when v.29 is released.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rexor Hacked!

Yes, today at around 10:50 EST, someone logged into Rexor's account and simply said, "v.29 will not come out". Global, of course, freaked out thinking it was really Rexor, but several people who have him on MSN, such as myself, realize that it really wasn't Rexor. Soon after making this announcement, the hacked Rexor logged out, and the real Rexor logged onto MSN to confirm that it wasn't him in EO; he had been called on the telephone by Vegasfiniest to let him know he was hacked, and Rexor quickly replied, and signed into MSN, then EO to confirm that it wasn't him on EO, that it was a hacked, and that v.29 is indeed coming out.

Who the hacker is, is unknown; it could be another learning a new trick. Anyway, it WAS a hacker, and v.29 will come up eventually. Never trust even an admin if they come on and make unbelievable claims like this on EO- chances are its a hacker.


No names and unstable server

Back again, because the news right now is just not stopping!

I know I am a little late to the game about this, mainly because I thought it was going to pass quicker than it is, is the epidemic. I decided to post about it now, mainly because there is 6 on, and one of them is over level 100.

These are tell-tale signs that this is getting out of hand, 1 on a day or whatever is (I'm not going to say fine), but its bearable. If these people want to keep cheating like this (Though the benefit of it is.. well, none?), Will only make it fixed faster, thus ruining their fun. So whoever released this to so many people screwed the pooch.

Anyway; It seems that Anti-Speed isn't "perfect", as in some people can still speed, and on top of that, it seems that "Anti-Speed" may be the reason for the server freezing and crashing. Though that is just a theory, but personally, I believe the cheat may be causing server unsuitability, and its just that, or that plus the anti-speed which is the cause of the random freezes and crashes.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy 1 year Aniversery

Sorry I didn't say this a few days ago, happy 1 year anniversary to "Link's Word", started last year on January 14th.

Thank you for all of those who have visited this blog for the passed year, and have continued to support me. Truly, thank you. I know I wasn't always active in posting, but when it came down to it, the news you needed to know was told, thank you, and lets hope for another good year. :)



I log in today, and I see a lot of people on global whining that there was a rollback. I'm not sure if there was in fact a rollback, or people are just blowing smoke. Because, if there was a rollback, I wasn't affected, and others seem not be either. So I personally didn't have a rollback, but if there was, maybe only some people were affected. So make sure you have what you think you have, and if you lost anything, sorry. Rollbacks are for the best server-wide, please try to look passed your loss to see that. Thank you.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hell on Earth--er- Aeven.

Yes, its true. The "Hell Event" is back in EO, though somewhat useless at this point.

Along with this hell Event.. Anti-Speeding is now in affect, you DC if the server thinks your speeding, along with the server annousing it to EO for all to know, lets see how this anit-speed goes.

The gates to apozen are now in Aeven Square, and north Aeven. and Aeven itself, has litterally gone to hell, with hell gates, bones, blood, gore everywhere, along with Chaos Spawn all over Aeven.

Like i said, it is nice to see /something/ happen in EO, but it is useless at this point. Besides the shortcut to Apozen, which is wayy overly crowded due to it being flooded, spawn protection, and Apozen being increadably weak. And chaos spawn, only dropping dark blades.. which dont cost much to begin with, the price will only drop further.

This is a nice start to the rejuvination of EO, and a welcomee event to stir something in EO.

~ Linkfan