Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

EO Record!


All on... at the same time. Thats right, 4 admins. This hasnt been scene in years.

With this, and the news of a new drop item at Apozen Overlord (Aeven grocery at the bottem floor)

EO has been going though small updates as of late.. maybe all leading to v.29.



Anonymous said...

So what the hell are you talking about on this website?

Anonymous said...

I agree hell is this website about I check it out every day thinking your going to tell me something usefull but it always turns out to be random crap about stones or halls of pain or some crap like that.

Anonymous said...

Same here I think we should all get together and begine a hostile take over of this website!

Anonymous said...

Hell yhea!

Anonymous said...

Your going down Link's Word. Your going so far down you wont know which way is up!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

... Wat

QR said...

no offence, but that failed. Your all blatantly the same person! lol still at least you tried...

Dakatana said...

You still here?