Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Belated 3rd Birthday to.. TSS

TSS- Tormented Souls of Sin

Well, wishing the guild i made so many years ago, a happy happy birthday.

TSS was made January 10, 2006, by Linkfan, its current leaders are Linkfan and Yuney.

Why, I may be the only active member. If you want to join, feel free to ask. Its free, you get costume rank, etc.

Anyway, just remembered. I forget sometimes. Happy Birthday TSS.

TSS- Tormented Souls of Sin



Anonymous said...

Happy bday TSS

Craylee said...

that is so sad i couldnt let go of my old guild either my oldest friends were in it and then slowly one by one they quit some because they got hacked others because their partner quit but to this day my account still has the guild on it i sometimes go on it just to make sure its still there whenever i do i stay on for like 5mins hoping theyll log on but they never do but im ok cuz i got 2 spend a good year with them the members were Inafune,xxgamedudexx,(<->maried)dani,Me,and inafunes wife,my old wife sneakyjen also known as jenburn(i luved her),i hope you enjoyed my post