Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Friday, April 25, 2008

To the Sad Wikky

A note to Wickedfrost, Yes it is indeed sad that smallville will not air any new episodes til next week. But at least next week's promises to be a very good one. With Clark maybe going years into the past, to Krypton to save his baby self from Brainiac. But luckly this should hold me and you over, and anyone else who needs their fix of smallville.




EO's past, and EO's future.

Education time.

In this post, I will try to educate some people on OLD eo terms that arent really used anymore, even though the actions are still there.

1: KS, short for Kill Steal- Back before kill steal protection, many players would let others hit monsters, then just take the last hit and get all exp and items.
2: DS, short for Drop Steal- Back when autoclickers worked, people used these to steal other people's drops from monsters. Most commonly used at the Reaper.
3: SS, short for Super Speed, Basicly the old term for "HS" which is hyper speed, these are exactly the same thing, why the term changed, i dont know.
4: woot, Origins in EO are back before magic, when you hit the f1 key, you would raise your arm (Like how you do when casting), and a 'woot' sound would happen. But before this, it originates with the game Doungin's and Dragons, short for "Wow Loot"

5. Will EO be wiped? Contray to popular beleif, this will most likely not happen, ive talked to several admins and have gathered that vult has no set plan to do so, yet. This doesnt mean EO will never get wiped, because it will 1 day.
6. Scammer? Sorry EO, scammers are NOT real. What you think of a scammer, is just someone who is using a slick trick to trick you. It isnt agaisnst EO rules, it is just very immoral. But not many in EO have morals anyway, so don't complain when you were stupid enough to trust someone with something you'd be sorry to lose.
7: Prices? The current prices are only temporary, so if you MUST have something, then go ahead and waste your money on something that will most likely be cheaper in as little as a weak, then will probably go up again in 2 weeks, so on and so forth. But when you are offering over 900k on ANY item, it just isnt smart, no item is worth it, specially when there is a 2million gold limit in place now.

8: Most things in EO are fixed, and speeding is currently only fixed on test, not main as of yet, but it will be put in place soon, so dont worry.
9: You no longer need to worry about having you client crash, because that bug is fully fixed on both servers.
10: Dupping is fixed, so this will help bring down prices soon.

Keep these things in mind please.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Changes in EO, part 2

Well, as my 2nd day posting again, I decided to find a nice big post for you all, and finally my friends, I have one.

My sources inform me that v.29 is ready to be released in test, and will be in about 2 weeks. Yes, big news. But along with this, i have done you all 1 better, i can give you suttle details of what i know about v.29 thus far.

1. New Maps (Obvious)
2. New Magic (3 to be exact)
3. RUMORS that the Job system will be used, and small evidence to show that it will build off the class system. Example: Say your class is a Warrior, what jobs would a warrior have? Maybe a Hunter? Paladin? Tempar? Maybe you're a Rogue. what jobs could they have? Maybe a mercenary? Who knows.

That is all the info i have right now, i will try to scrape some up for tomorrow.

1 final note: The release on the main server, is rumored to be close (within a week after) of it being released on test.


Changes in EO, part 1.

Sorry about the lack of posts lately, it seems that I wasn't as faithful as i thought i was going to be, but nevermind that, i had things to do. I did find the time to post this, which if feel is very important.

1. Most dupping has been fixed in EO
2. Spamming has been fixed in Eo
3. EO Wide freeze caused by Vult-r by accident while he was working on the server to fix bugs. You could close your client, log into an alt to find that your char is still online and hang with yourself. Fun, Right?
4. Lottery Event yesterday: An event was held in the new addition to the event area (Lottery Area), where some lucky players got Doctor's, Nurses, Chefs outfits.
5. EO IS CURRENTLY DOWN (1am EST) and has been for quite a while. Do NOT panic, this is probably because vult is fixing something on EO, or it has crashed from something he has fixed earlier, and he will address when he can. Please, get a bite to eat, sleep, and relax. Your EO wont be out for long.
6. Prices are currently insane with no logic behind them (Ah, same old same old). Which i feel is a credit to why 13 year olds shouldnt be given money, they aren't' responsible enough to handle it, but hey, its a game.
7. tomorrow is the Pennsylvania Primary's for the presidency. (I am a registered democrat and will be voting)
8. I have been put onto Wikky's blog (yay me)
9. I bought a Nintendo Wii yesterday (And will probably sell it soon)
10. Wrestling: The funny spoof on the election was hillarious, i surgest looking it up on Youtube
11. Me and Crystal broke up (Soon after she found out she wasnt pregnate... hmm... i wonder why.. *cough*)
12. I have not given up on this blog and i hope this covered alot of issues at the moment

Okay, this was a little breifing of what went on in my absence, or at least, what has been going on in my life, and current EO.
