Endless Comic!

Endless Comic!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back to ye faithfull

Okay, i have yet to log into EO faithfully for a little while now... As you all know, or at least most of you should. Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core was realeased last tuesday, and I just got around to beating it. It is a good game, so if you have a PSP and like or played FF7, I recomend picking it up.

Well, with that out of the way, i am back to blogging (At least until Kingdom Hearts 3 the PSP version is released). I will start to post the news i get from my sources.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Aniversery

I would like to wish a happy 1 month aniversery to me and my beautifull girlfriend Crystal.

I know it was an awkward first 2 or so weeks, but that passed 2 weeks with you have been some of the best 2 weeks of my life, thank you with all my heart.

(For those who dont know her IGN it is : Darkangyl, i made her start playing, she just started the other day :P)


Monday, March 3, 2008


I have not abandoned my blog, i know it has been a few days since my last post.. and this will happen every so offten. ie: It only happens when i get a new system or new game that ive wanted to play for a long time (Just got a PSP, and have been playing FFT: War of the lions) And ive been egerly awaiting to play Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core, and Kingdom Hearts 3 (the DS, and PSP versions)

If i get any important news from one of my reporters (they know how to reach me), i will post as soon as i can..

On a last note. I tried to post to my chatbox via my PSP. it let me type in everything but when i sent it. it went to this odd black screen with a smiley face, an a frown face, and only 1 clickable option (to go back a page), i thought it was pretty funny.
